Sunday, May 30, 2010
OMG. Carrot Cake.
I made carrot cake on Wednesday, iced it on Thursday. It weighs over 20 lbs. This is Saturday and it's half gone.
The puppies have only had licks off plates and utensils but they agree, my carrot cake is the best!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Food for Thought...

There are times in life when we're taken by surprise; when we're no longer "in control" and feel we've had the rug pulled out from under us. Times when we thought the road was going one way, and suddenly it takes a sharp turn in the opposite direction. How we deal with those times is a large indicator of our character; those unexpected twists and turns can make or break us.
Do you let fear overwhelm you, or do you face the unforeseen challenges with a brave face?
Do you throw yourself a Pity Party and luxuriate in blaming someone else for your misery, or do you take a long, honest look in the proverbial mirror and become the best version of yourself you can be?
Do you cower in the corner and wait until the uncomfortableness passes, or do you put one foot tentatively in front of the other and move forward?
Do you stuff your feelings or allow yourself to fully experience the sadness of loss?
Do you step over the problem or plow directly through it?
Do you raise the white flag and give up, or do you embrace the unknown as an exciting new chapter in your life?
What about your characters? What do they do when an unexpected bend in the road appears? Do they face their new challenges bravely or lament at the way things "should" be?
Just some Food for Thought to start the new week...
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Hidden Camera Fun!
Paris Hilton
's Hidden Camera Fun!(04/30/10)
On April 30, 2010 Ellen put up hidden cameras in the WB Studio Store and sent in Paris Hilton, who was wearing an earpiece and had to do everything Ellen told her. It turns out that Paris can do a great bumblebee impression!
Comments :
Lol paris say: Bornsor cos my name is paris :S funny
ahhahahahahah It is so funny!!!!
This is the funniest thing i've seen in a while
Paris Hilton At Victoria's Secret Party
as below
Paris Hilton At Victoria's Secret Party In Hollywood, California. U.S.A.

Comments :
Lol paris say: Bornsor cos my name is paris :S funny
ahhahahahahah It is so funny!!!!
This is the funniest thing i've seen in a while
Paris Hilton At Victoria's Secret Party
as below
Paris Hilton At Victoria's Secret Party In Hollywood, California. U.S.A.
Gray vs. Grey

So far what I know for certain, is I love these curtains:
Glee Oprah + Avis Cyrus
Monday, May 17, 2010
First floor, hotel lobby
I may get into trouble here but I'm gonna say it anyway. My mom is a little crazy.
When I was growing up with my parents we had what most people would call a normal living room. It had a TV, a bookcase with knick-knacks, a recliner (for my dad), a few chairs and a couch. It wasn't a designer showroom. There was a lot of wear and tear on that house. We really lived there! But it was comfortable.
After all of the kids moved out, the living room started to drift... A desk was added so my dad could play computer games. One large bookcase got traded out for two smaller bookcases. The knick-knacks got switched out for a lot more family photos of grandkids and grandpets.
Then came the most jarring change of all. The couch left. Not really a huge deal, it had been there a long time and the colors of the room had evolved and the gold couch didn't really go with it anymore. The weird part is, a new couch didn't arrive in it's place. Two chairs arrived instead.
I came home to visit one weekend and there is was, a vast room ringed with chairs.
What happened to the couch?
I gave it away.
Why'd you give it away?
I didn't like it. It was old and ugly.
And someone else wanted it?
It wasn't a bad couch. I just didn't like it anymore.
When are you getting a new one?
I'm not.
Why not?
I don't like couches. I think they're hard to sit down in and get out of.
Then don't sit down on it.
Don't be a smart ass.
You don't even sit in that room. You only sit in your office or the dining room. You don't even watch TV.
I can still see it from the dining room.
And the mere thought of a couch in your living room makes you angry?
I don't care about the living room. The living room is your father's room.
Then why'd you take away his couch?
Just leave me alone!
So when I go home to visit my parents, there is no where to relax. One time I was so tired I just wanted to watch TV and lie down. I had to lay on the floor. My mom won't give in. I told here I was going to go buy her a couch and just have it delivered. She yelled at me and told me she would refuse it at the door. Apparently, I'm a pill.
No one wants to be told they are "just like their parents." we all want to be our own unique self. With all the upheaval in the back of our house, we've had to move things around. The chaise lounge from the guest room moved out to make way for our dresser. The chairs in the living room moved to the dining room to make room for furniture from the master bedroom.
A few days ago I took a look at my living room and realized, there are no chairs. But there are FIVE COUCHES. It looks like a hotel lobby.

In my own defense, once the bedroom is completed, the extra seating will return to it's proper place. We will once again, have one couch with a chaise lounge sectional attached, one loveseat and two chairs in the living room. On the other hand, my mother will still have just six chairs.
When I was growing up with my parents we had what most people would call a normal living room. It had a TV, a bookcase with knick-knacks, a recliner (for my dad), a few chairs and a couch. It wasn't a designer showroom. There was a lot of wear and tear on that house. We really lived there! But it was comfortable.
After all of the kids moved out, the living room started to drift... A desk was added so my dad could play computer games. One large bookcase got traded out for two smaller bookcases. The knick-knacks got switched out for a lot more family photos of grandkids and grandpets.
Then came the most jarring change of all. The couch left. Not really a huge deal, it had been there a long time and the colors of the room had evolved and the gold couch didn't really go with it anymore. The weird part is, a new couch didn't arrive in it's place. Two chairs arrived instead.
I came home to visit one weekend and there is was, a vast room ringed with chairs.
What happened to the couch?
I gave it away.
Why'd you give it away?
I didn't like it. It was old and ugly.
And someone else wanted it?
It wasn't a bad couch. I just didn't like it anymore.
When are you getting a new one?
I'm not.
Why not?
I don't like couches. I think they're hard to sit down in and get out of.
Then don't sit down on it.
Don't be a smart ass.
You don't even sit in that room. You only sit in your office or the dining room. You don't even watch TV.
I can still see it from the dining room.
And the mere thought of a couch in your living room makes you angry?
I don't care about the living room. The living room is your father's room.
Then why'd you take away his couch?
Just leave me alone!
So when I go home to visit my parents, there is no where to relax. One time I was so tired I just wanted to watch TV and lie down. I had to lay on the floor. My mom won't give in. I told here I was going to go buy her a couch and just have it delivered. She yelled at me and told me she would refuse it at the door. Apparently, I'm a pill.
No one wants to be told they are "just like their parents." we all want to be our own unique self. With all the upheaval in the back of our house, we've had to move things around. The chaise lounge from the guest room moved out to make way for our dresser. The chairs in the living room moved to the dining room to make room for furniture from the master bedroom.
A few days ago I took a look at my living room and realized, there are no chairs. But there are FIVE COUCHES. It looks like a hotel lobby.

In my own defense, once the bedroom is completed, the extra seating will return to it's proper place. We will once again, have one couch with a chaise lounge sectional attached, one loveseat and two chairs in the living room. On the other hand, my mother will still have just six chairs.
SUBLIMINAL MONDAY: Fighting the Good Fight or Top 10 List for Acquiring an Agent

So, get on your

My Top 10 List for Acquiring an Agent:
1) Writing is easy - NOT! [Unless you're Sarah Palin and have abandoned the governorship with the single goal of bringing in as much bacon, or in her case, moose meat, as possible. In her case, it was sinfully easy.] Writing is not a walk in the park, folks. It takes discipline, creativity, talent, and focus. You will not always be on your game, but do try to play as often as possible. DON'T GIVE UP!
2) Become a better writer - butt in chair. This should be obvious, but i

3) Don't be afraid to step off the ledge into the unknown. Writing - especially a first draft - is an act of faith. Trust in yourself and the process. Believe in your muse. [Re

4) Edit your work to within an inch of its life. Editing is the biggest part of the writing process. Get out your fine tooth comb and make sure you yank out all the knots. [TRUTH: There will always be knots. Your future agent and editor will make sure to point them out!] WRITING IS REWRITING!
5) Get feedback. Once you've got what you think is a viable piece of completed work, let others read it. Listen closely to what they say works and doesn't work, but only make the changes that ring true to you. [If Stephen King is one of your beta readers, you're golden. If Sarah Palin is, you may want to take up hunting moose for a living.] LISTEN TO OTHERS, BUT ALWAYS TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS!
6) Keep writing. Whether it's a blog, a journal, or another project, alw

7) Build a platform. If you're a non-fiction writer, this is a given. But even for fiction writers, it's good to start developing an audience of people who admire and enjoy your writing. These people may also prove to be some of the first to buy your book and help spread the word. Twitter and a blog are great ways to do this. The writing community on Twitter is extraordinary, and having your own blog is a great way to flex your writing muscle and build an audience at the same time. If you're not sure how to get started on Twitter, just follow me (see cute little blue birdie in sidebar) and follow my lists of agents/pub folks and writers. (Let me know if you have questions.) DON'T BE AFRAID TO STRUT YOUR STUFF!
8) Don't settle. Once you've got what you feel is a shimmering, finished novel, you need to find the perfect person to represent it; i.e., the person who "gets" your writing and adores it. Notice I didn't say, YOU NEED TO FIND ANYONE WITH A PULSE WILLING TO REPRESENT YOU! It's easy to have that attitude, but give yourself more credit. Finding the "right" agent for you is akin to dating. Don't offer marriage to the first hottie that comes along. [Unless it's love at first sight.] BE PICKY! In order to find your Prince or Princess Charming, you need to...
9) Research agents as if your life depended on it. We modern writers are lucky in that we have the best research at our fingertips. Getting to "know" agents on Twitter is one form of research. DO YOUR HOMEWORK!
Here are three of my personal favorite websites:
Publisher's Marketplace : There is a small monthly fee, but it is SO worth it. Most current deals are listed here and you can look up individual agents and see their recent sales, etc. They've also got great articles on all things publishing. It's an invaluable tool.
Agent Query: Simply fabulous. Look up an agent and see what genres they're interested in. You can also sort by genre, which is what I did while researching which agents to query.
QueryTracker: Love this site. Detailed info on agents PLUS comments from writers on things like turnaround times and opinions of the agents. You can also track your queries there and read about inspiring Success Stories. Here's mine.
10) Enjoy yourself! This is the path you've chosen, so embrace it. Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself [and sometimes your writing] and smile a lot. Like most things in life, writing is a choice, and a noble one. Expressing your creativity in the world is a gift not everyone is lucky enough to receive. Be grateful for your talents and the opportunities present in life. IF YOU LOVE WHAT YOU DO, YOU ARE ALREADY SUCCESSFUL!
So, that's it folks. Please let me know where you are along your path, and never forget to keep fighting the good fight! [Cliches rule.]
On a totally different note, my son, Ethan, went to his senior prom with his beautiful girlfriend, Meghan, on Saturday. Here are a few pics including one of
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
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