Monday, June 28, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
The tile has actually started being attarched to the wall!
The third photo is the bathroom floor. Down. Placed. Setting. Waiting for grout.
Oh my god, this may actually be completed one day! Do I have to take back all the bad things I've said previously?
I have the best friends!
Six years ago, Lyle and I went to Peru. We bought this giant leather hat box/drum for $32. Such an amazing bargain! Then we paid $20 to get it shrink wrapped to ride in the plane cargo area. Still, such a bargain! We brought it home and it sat on it's side in our living room. So, that's where you leave your bargain?
I had a vision. I wanted it to be an ottoman. I wanted it stuffed with foam, and I wanted to make a base for it. I had the vision, but lacked the skills. So it continued to sit on it's side in my living room.
One day Mikka came over with her fiancé, Tim. "Hey Tim, you're a carpenter/furniture maker. Can this even be done?". I explained my (now cloudy) vision to him and he said he would take it to his shop. He asked if I was in a hurry and I told him, "it's been sitting in that corner on it's side for almost five years. Do I look like I'm in a hurry?"
Tim had a vision for the ottoman. He needed different tools. He needed a wood steamer. He needed to do his real jobs and make real money. He asked if I had changed my mind about needing the ottoman in a hurry. To be quite honest, I'd forgotten I'd sent it away. Something else was already in that corner of the living room.
Then a week ago, this glorious stunning piece of furniture was presented to Lyle and I. It's better than anything I could have planned or asked for.
The drum has embossed details of the Nazca Lines. Tim made the legs a "spaceship rocket" shape as an homage to that. But the best part is literally the love that went into it. It's not just a piece of furniture, a work of art or souvenir from a fabulous trip. Now it holds a piece of my heart and it needs to be placed right below my signed Kylie Minogue poster. In case of fire, grab both of these first!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Let's Hear it For Peace & Harmony or The Stories We Choose to Tell Ourselves

Rather than fighting what is in life, try embracing it. Instead of thinking something or someone "should" or "should not" be a certain way, embrace the way it/he/she is. You may as well. After all, that's what is.
As some of you k

This book has entered my life at the exact perfect time. To Mollie and Keri: I love and appreciate your friendship more than I can ever say. Thanks for introducing me to Katie and for always being there for me.
If this sounds interesting to you and/or you're up for a little transformation in your life, here's the link to buy the book on Amazon.com.
I'm more than halfway through my edits on Draft #5 of my YA novel. I'm loving it and hope Awesome Agent will feel the same way when she reads it. No matter what, I'm enjoying the process and am grateful for the opportunity to write. Everything else is icing on the cake.
Enjoy the rest of your week and do your best to love what is in your life.

Ongoing in the back of the house
A month has gone by and you are probably wondering where the grand reveal is of our new refurbished master suite. So am I.
In the last month, the old single worker was let go and a new team of three was brought in. The single person was too slow and didn't have enough knowledger to complete the job. Now with three people, they can no longer come to do small portions of the project, there has to be enough work for three people for a whole day to make it worth their time. Or so I'm told.
The first thing the new team did was take three days to tear out what the last person had taken a week to put in.
We are no longer hanging back and letting our landlord take the lead. We are making decisions, paying for everything ourselves, saving the receipts for turning in later and getting this show on the road!
Paint color was chosen, but the task got handed off and thecwrong finish was purchased. Tiles were ordered and picked up, but now we need smaller tiles for the shower floor. Closet was started to put back together but instead of cedar for shelves someone got pine.
Frustration is high. Tonight Lyle and I cleaned up some of the mess the workers started over a month ago, but no one has made the effort to move anything. As Lyle keeps saying, you need to act as if you are guests in our home, and treat our yard and our belongings with the same respect and care that we would treat them.
It's time for this shit to get done.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Graduation Day

This post will be short and sweet. My baby graduated with honors from high school last week. He's been accepted to Penn State pre-med. I'm so proud of him on so many levels, I don't know where to begin. He's kind, compassionate, generous, honest, smart, talented (plays guitar in a band), ridiculously handsome, and is an amazing son, brother (per Adam), and boyfriend (per Meghan).
Here are a few pics from the joyous event that my Mom, Dad, sister Sharon, and brother-in-law David flew out from Denver to attend. The picture of the two handsome guys are my sons Adam and Ethan:

Sunday, June 20, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Paris Hilton's New Reality Show

Comments :
Paris Hilton.. She seems alot nicer than what people say about her
Maybe.. You just hate her because she is rich, blonde, and famous... so get a life and stop feeding off your jealousy.. you don't even know her...
Love her !! She uses her normal voice instead of her lil baby voice!
She seems like a nice lady
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Have You Done Your Homework?

Jamie!!! Contact me with your full name and address and I'll let Allison know. Thanks to Random.org and everyone who commented for participating. Your comments were beyond amazing. Seriously, I had tears in my eyes - I greatly appreciate your inspiring words.
Also, there's a great interview and giveaway on my friend, Kimberly Franklin's blog. After you finish here, go check it out. ;-)
Now, on to my Monday post (not subliminal - sorry!!!)
I was talking to a guy recently who claimed to be a non-fiction writer. He said he's on his 10th book in a series re: "coaching" in both sports and life.
"Cool!" I said. "Have you researched agents yet?"
"Yeah, about five years ago. I guess I'll need to take a look at that again."
"Um, yeah, I think you might need to."
"Otherwise, I'll just self-publish," he added. "I'm a tennis coach and I've got a pretty big network."
Oy vey.
This got me thi

1) QueryTracker, http://www.querytracker.net/
Fabulous place where you can search via agent name or genre. There are also "Success Stories" that illustrate how writers and agents connected. Here's mine. Great new post up there: HOW TO GRAB AN AGENT'S ATTN IN A QUERY.
2) Agent Query, http://www.agentquery.com/writer_hq.aspx
Love this site! Again, you can research names or genres. The site is user-friendly and gives lots of information on the types of books agents are looking for. ***FYI: I've been told by a reliable source (NYC agent) that this site is not often updated by the agents. Be sure to always check more than one source, especially agency websites.
If you're serious about being a published writer, you should definitely subscribe to PM. The monthly fee is around $20, and it's well worth it. Many book deals are reported here. There are great articles on the industry, as well as, much information on individual agents.
4) Twitter!
I know, I sound like a broken record, but as many of you know, I might not have an agent if it weren't for Twitter, and I more than likely wouldn't have the Awesome Agent that I do. Here's my story: Debbie gets an agent. //Follow me on Twitter!
5) Agent Websites
A no-brainer, right? Wrong. I can't believe how many times I see agents mention, "If only people would follow the guidelines on my website!!!" Please, friends, do yourself a favor. Check agent websites no matter what information you find about querying them on other sites! Agent websites trump all.
6) Google
Yes, Google. Why wouldn't you Google someone who you may end up in a LTR with? If nothing else, maybe you can see a picture of them - they say that paints a thousand words, right? (I wonder if I put 70 pictures in my book if that would count for a completed 70k ms? Hmm...)
7) Absolute Write Water Cooler, http://absolutewrite.com/forums/
Fabulous resource for writing tips, forums, Ask The Agent, reviews, etc.
I thought I'd throw in a great writer's conference website for good measure. I attended this conference last May ('09) and met fabulous agents and writers and learned so much. It was definitely part of what propelled me forward to signing with my agent. If it's too far away from where you live (it's in NYC), then make sure you get yourself signed up for a reputable writer's conference closer to home. You'll be amazed how useful they are.
These are my main suggestions. If you have further suggestions, please feel free to leave them in the comments. Also, if you have any specific questions for me, I'll be happy to answer them either in the comment section or via email at dlschubert@verizon.net, whichever you prefer.
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Gopher Prairie, here we come!
Don't look for me this weekend in Los Angeles or West Hollywood. Don't look in Las Vegas or Palm Springs. I'm passing by Seattle and all of the Northwest. Paris? Not this weekend. And I'm not out to sea on a cruise ship full of food. Nope, this weekend I will be chillin' like a villain in GRANDE PRAIRIE, ALBERTA.
At the last possible minute, Lyle has decided he will be attending an event in the town that he was raised in. After his parents moved away we both believed we'd never be back there, but things changes and some people are very persuasive.
I am expecting a weekend of epic proportions. I know a few of the people on the welcoming committee, well, they're gonna' be welcoming me anyway.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Signed copy of THE ONE THAT I WANT by Allison Winn Scotch!

Remember how I told you how awesome Allison Winn Scotch is? Well, she just got even more awesome. She has offered to give one, signed copy of her new book THE ONE THAT I WANT to one lucky commenter on my blog!
Here's the deal. Tell me at least one thing you love about me and/or Allison in the comment section before midnight on Saturday, and I'll randomly pick a winner on Sunday. Feel free to either tell the truth, enhance (i.e., lie), or tell a funny story about something you think Allison or I might do. (And, keep it clean, people!)
Also, if you link to your blog or retweet on Twitter and let me know, you'll get an extra chance at winning the book.
Have fun and good luck!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Allison Winn Scotch - The One That I Want

Today, my blog is once again graced with the lovely and talented Allison Winn Scotch. Her latest book, THE ONE THAT I WANT has recently hit bookstores, and she was kind enough to drop by and share a bit about it. Hope you enjoy!
DLS: So, Allison, for the readers who may not have had the pleasure of being introduced to you in their bookstores or on Twitter yet, tell us a little about yourself.
AWS: I’m a freelance magazine writer turned novelist. THE ONE THAT I WANT is my third book after TIME OF MY LIFE and THE DEPARTMENT OF LOST AND FOUND. I live in New York City with my husband, our son, daughter and dog.
DLS: I read Tim
AWS: Thank you! The One That I Want is sort of the bookend to TOML: it takes a woman who is perfectly content with her existence and shatters her world completely. Tilly Farmer is a guidance counselor at her old high school in her small town, married to her high school sweetheart. She’s given the unwelcome ability to see into the future and discovers that the perfect life she thinks she’s carved out for herself is anything but. Taking the whole “seeing into the future” thing out of the equation, it’s really a story about how we find happiness and how we sometimes have to take the blinders off to really see what’s meant to be seen.
DLS: OMG, I can SO relate to the whole "perfect life is anything but" scenario right now. Before I start crying on my laptop, let's change gears. What do you love most about your mc's?
AWS: Well, I’ll be honest, I found Tilly hard to relate to in the beginning, but by the end, I was and am absolutely smitten with her. She is a woman who hasn’t been dealt the

DLS: I'm sold, as I am with everything you write. Is there anything else you'd like to add?
AWS: I know that a lot of aspiring writers read your blog, so I only wanted to add that this book was a real labor of love for me – it went through about seven drafts, and at no point was it an easy road. I think writers out there should know that sometimes, it just comes down to rolling up your sleeves and diving in. That’s the only way to get it done. Writing can be and often is very hard work, and while it would be wonderful if every day were a creative joyride, the truth is that every day is not. :) So roll up your sleeves and get ‘er done!
DLS: Don't I know it (she said, diving back into Draft #5...!)
So, there you have it, my friends. Allison's books are fabulous and, in my opinion, seriously great summer reads. Make sure you pick up all of her books the first chance you get.
Happy new week to all!