Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A hair raising experience...

And so this is what it comes to. Day three and we've already gone round the bend.

I've gone back and added a few explanations to the previous posts. I have a new phone and I am working on how to post from the phone. I got the "photo" aspect down, but for some odd re son anything I write gets lost between phone and blog.

I am working on a campaign for January. It is a 7 day on set photo shoot. I've worked about 5-7 days in prep on my own, then one day on set prep (the location is very dirty and abandoned feeling. Thank god we're not closer to Halloween.) and then I will have one day of post. So this project has just taken over my life. I used to like my life. My life didn't involve so many stairs.

Since the campaign doesn't come out until January, I can't show you or tell you all of it. But I did get permission to show you some backdrops. No, I won't be mugging for the camera in them, stop asking.

Since I am not home all day with the dogs, we have had to ask friends to check in on them and we've hired a daytime dog walker. It costs me money to leave my house, thankfully I also make money while gone.

The location is so dirty I can't wear flip flops. My feet are unhappy with me. I shower when I get up to go to work, I shower when I get home. My ankles are black with dirty. I feel like Pig Pen from Peanuts.

Don't get me wrong, I am feeling very fulfilled and creative. Today (Tuesday) is the day of rest. Three days down, four to go. I can't imagine what I feel like on Saturday but I am certain I will sleep on Sunday.

More random photos will follow without explanation. But at least now you know why.

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