I've been working on a new term, "fake Christians". Rachel tells me there is already a word that applies and it's "fundamentalist" but I think fake Christian is more direct and appropriate.
Let's start with all that money. 25.4 million dollars that isn't feeding, clothing, housing or helping anyone. Praise Jesus! He would never have helped those poor people anyway! It's God's will because I am one with him and know his every move and desire, I am just that good! In fact he told me that people on skid row deserve to be there and I should keep my car window rolled up and tinted so I don't see them.
I attended George Fox College in Oregon for a whole term. Many lovely people and lovely friends met and made there (even met my first boyfriend through there). But apparently they also let in some fake Christians who recently hung an effigy of Obama on campus. WWJHIE? (Who Would Jesus Hang In Effigy?)
I blame fake Christians. I know quite a few people who identify as Christians and I believe them in their actions and words. They are not the same people and quite frankly are getting pissed off at the people who are hijacking the name of Christian. How can you tell if someone is a fake Christian? The minute they tell you that they know exactly what God wants and how God wants it to happen. Think of the Pope. Possibly an okay person (though not by me), but when he starts telling that God speaks through him, watch out!
I think that the when you become a Christian you open up a direct link with God and your relationship is unlike anyone else's. There may be people who can guide you, stimulate you, and discussion is always a good thing. But when one group decides that their religious viewpoint is the only way, Hello Crusaders and welcome to the Inquisition (but I wasn't expecting the Spanish Inquisition!)
And I am thoroughly sick of of these fake Christians twisting language and suspending rational thought.
Pro-Life - uh, I'm not anti-life. I think that if you really wanted to limit abortion then you would be in favor of comprehensive sex education so no one is forced to choose an abortion. If you know how babies are made and you don't want one, then you would know how to stop that. I think abortion should be the last choice in a long list of choices. Unfortunately fake "Pro-lifers" think there should be no discussion of how sex works and then are shocked when someone doesn't want a baby they didn't know they were getting. And just as an aside, why is life so precious when its a fetus and so expendable once it reaches 18 and joins the military? Or perhaps its still a baby and just happens to live in the wrong part of the world. If life is as special as you believe, take all that money and energy you devote to protests and campaigns and give it to people who already have living children and can't feed them. Precious and scared doesn't end at birth.
Pro-Family - Hmmmmm, who is more family friendly? The person who thinks you should have health care coverage, a house to live in, your children should be educated and live in peace, or the person who thinks its everyone for themselves, good luck, good riddance, stay ignorant and let's drop a bomb? Nothing says pro-family like being able to go to a hospital when you are sick and living to see your family another day.
Protect Marriage - My wedding was so earth shaking that I hear 25 straight people divorced the same day. Funny thing, 25 people divorced the next day, and the next day, and the next day but I didn't get married anymore. What marriage is threatened by two people getting the same rights to visit each other in the hospital? John McCain's 2nd marriage? Newt Gingrich's 2nd marriage or maybe his 3rd? The other argument is that if marriage equality is granted then we will have to teach the children that being gay is normal. What a horror! Next you'll want to teach them that black people are just as smart and capable as white!
The Bible I read, with the teaching of the Jesus I read about implied a personal relationship with real sacrifice. Lifting up the weakest amongst us and stripping away the lies and hypocrisy. Though I don't attend a church and I no longer have a firm belief in one religion over another, I still play by my rules. I do my best to not harm others. I try to be honest and fair (yes, I return the change if I get too much). I give of myself and if you know me, you will never go hungry.
I think it's time for the real Christians to take back their good name. I know a few who are already working on this and I applaud you. Gather your friends, take a stand, pray for wisdom not results, and tell the world that no one speaks for you but you. Remind those fake Christians that I have a direct link to God and I know exactly what he has planned for them... uh oh...
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