Sunday, April 26, 2009

Don't Hate Me Because I've.... Got a Pool?

Remember that old commercial that said, "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful?" Well, I'll preface this post with a similar sentiment - it even rhymes! "Don't hate me because I've got a pool."

True confessions: My whole life I wanted a swimming pool. It was my "big dream." Three years ago, that dream came true.

Flash forward to the week of 4.24.09:
Who knew the temps would soar into the 90's outside of Philly in April? The well-paid weather reporters on ABC, NBC and CBS, that's who. When they announced an upcoming four-day hot-spell like "July in April," my wonderful, perfect husband had an idea. To prove his wonderful perfectness, he said, "let's open the pool early!" And I replied, "woo-hoo!" Sometimes my literary eloquence rivals the likes of Dickens, Hemingway and Willie S. combined.

So, Chuckie worked his (cute, tight) ass off for several days. He took the cover off the pool (the same cover we bought when we put the pool in three years ago, and now had three baseball-sized holes in it allowing a little froggy family to find a watery home), vacuumed, balanced the chemicals, and did all the work a proper 'pool boy' does to get the pool swim-ready.

Not only did my pool boy get the pool ready, he serenaded me as well. I swear, this is true, although it sounds suspiciously like a recurring dream I've had since I was a young girl...

And here, ladies and gentlemen, is the proof:
(Pool boy serenading me in the shade; me finishing "Good in Bed" by Jennifer Weiner (yes, Amy, finally!); my son, Ethan soaking in some rays; ; and our backyard looking towards our upstairs deck. Enjoy this early burst of summer!

(If you'd like to book your early reservations at Chez Schubert B&B, send me an e-mail!)

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