Thursday, April 8, 2010


I've been stuck. After the exhilaration of the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, my mind was on overload. How could I come down from all that excitement and fullness of life?

Odd how the universe had an answer waiting for me that involved the passing of my uncle. The time I spent with my family and my Uncle before he passed away gave me an entirely different overload of my mind. Who would have guessed such a sad occasion would give me such inner growth.

I don't know how I will place into words what I've gone through, or if I will ever be able to. I've sat down and tried to figure all this out for over two weeks now. Mostly, I find myself just sitting, not much figuring. Then on Facebook today, my friend Deanna had a quote that leapt off the page and spoke to me.

This quote sums me up, and I don't feel like it's boasting to say that. I've worked hard to balance a lot of areas in my life. I've worked hard to recognize my strengths and weaknesses. I am still processing all I've been through in the last months. I expect to have some tough days ahead of me. But I still laugh, I still love, I still make a difference in the world that I live in. I'm going to be more than alright. I plan on continuing to succeed.

To Laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children... to leave the world a better place... to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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