Monday, August 9, 2010

Book Blossoming or On Working With an Editor

I've worked long and hard on my current novel, and now I'm looking forward to it blossoming in ways I never imagined. Why? Because I'm taking on a new adventure: working with an editor.

I made a promise to myself and AA when I first pitched her the idea for my YA novel - that I'd make this manuscript the very best it can be. When the time is right, I'm committed she be able to shop my book around with enthusiastic confidence.

As many of you know, I've recently completed the fifth draft of my novel. I feel it's close to where it needs to be for submission, but as we all know, close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. In submitting a novel for submission, especially by a debut author, close isn't even in the ballpark. (I vow to use every cliche I know at least once on my blog, since I love them like my first HS boyfriend, and they're taboo in novels!)

AA suggested I consider hiring an editor and I've decided to take her advice. I feel I've come as far as I can with fleshing out characters and massaging plot points. I've also had six people read (i.e., "beta" readers) the book and their comments have been overwhelmingly positive, which is great, but hasn't given me any new direction. I know the book is not quite there. A completely unbiased, professional set of eyes reading and editing my work and pointing out places where the story has not reached its full potential is an exciting proposition.

So, I'm looking forward to working with brilliant editor, Gretchen Stelter, and can't wait to see where my ms ends up. If you have any specific questions regarding the editing process, leave them in the "comment" section and I'll address them in an upcoming post.

Maybe I'll even bring in AA and BE (brilliant editor) for a question/answer at some point. Let me know if that's something you'd be interested in.

What about you? Have you ever worked with an editor? If so, how did it go? And, where are you on your path to publication?

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