Tuesday, June 10, 2008

All Quiet on The Western Front

So I may have somewhat disappeared for a week from here. I was kinda busy. I helped Lyle set up a booth at the local convention center for his work. As we set the booth up in Vegas each year and watch the workers snail-like progress we both comment on how we could (and have) set up this booth in half the time for a quarter of the cost. So we put our money where our mouth was. I used to set up fashion shows when I worked for Nordstrom in Visuals. I could set up a fashion show for 300 guests in an hour with 4 people on the stage and set and four people clearing the sales floor, setting up the chairs and adjusting the lights. I was younger then.

Starting on Wednesday, Lyle and I built this much of the stage all by ourselves. Just two people. The top half was too much for just us. Two additional workers from Lyle's work came the next day and the four of us completed it. That's a steep drop time in what it usually takes a team of 6 to accomplish.
However all 6 of those people can probably walk just fin the next day and aren't hobbled like old men.
On Friday we were still setting up the sales area of the booth. As former display hag this is my forte. Wow, those T-shirts in the case look like I probably would have been fired from the Gap.

At last the show is ready and opened at 4 pm. I stayed for a bit but I had to go to the airport and pick up a visiting guest. Then I took our visitor with me back to work at the convention center.
He was in his uniform for travel but I promise you he wasn't flying the plane. Just in case, his identity has been protected by this fancy red bar.

The next day I felt like I had been run over by a semi truck or two (and no it wasn't from booze) so we treated ourselves to a nice breakfast at Milk, at the end of our street.
I had the buttermilk pancakes with strawberries and dulce de leche. Yes, for breakfast.

Lyle had the breakfast sandwich with bacon and cheese. Oh man, that was amazing bacon all crumbled in there.

After breakfast we were fueled up and ready. We ran errands to get a few more things for the show booth, then I took Lyle to the convention center and I went home for a couple of hours. Then it was back downtown to the convention center. Have I mentioned it is not close? It is not easy to get to. IT'S A ROYAL PAIN. But oh the joy. More working and then home... ok, Lyle dropped me and my brother off in West Hollywood to go out a bit on Saturday night before the big Gay Pride Festival on Sunday. We were home well before closing time.

But on Sunday Lyle went to work and I went to WORK IT.

It's early, but we are already feeling mighty fine.

This may have been some of the fine feeling being dispensed... I like a strong drink with a sugar free mixer. Stoli Vanilla and Diet Coke. It's called a Skinny Bitch. I avoid the sugar filled mixer as it gives me more of a hangover than any alcohol could ever give me.

This is very near the end of the evening. I am now feeling "less the mighty fine". Brilliantly we stopped to get some food. After that I was feeling much better thank you and was able to make it back to the festival for some evening's entertainment!

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