Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Breakdowns Lead to Breakthroughs!

Breakdowns Lead to Breakthroughs!
Last night I was in a bad mood. Dark, ugly, unapproachable, cranky, and mean. If you don't believe me, ask Chuck. He said I was acting - and I quote - "like a bitch." What terrible incident invoked my horrible mood? I got a pass on a little, nothing, inconsequential website thing I'd applied to and felt like someone sliced a knife through my heart. (Not that I know what that feels like. But once a Drama Queen always a Drama Queen.) What the hell was my problem? Hormones? Misaligned stars? Lack of wine &/or chocolate? No, no, and no. The problem was my ego. Damn that thing! Why can't the universe simply revolve around me when I want it to? Is that so much to ask?

So, I e-mailed Amy and begged her to save my bleeding soul. (I know, first it was my heart, than my soul. I was a bloody mess.) She came through in flying colors. She directed me to an agent's site who was asking for quick pitches. She said, "Hurry! This special sale is only good for one day!" Or words to that effect. I clicked on the link and threw my pitch into the ring. Within an hour, the agent asked for my first 20 pages. Voila! Ego placated. Bad mood gone. I also resubmitted to little, nothing, inconsequential website for another try. (No word back on that yet.) As Ellen DeGeneres wrote, "My point, and I do have one" is that when you're feeling down, low, blue, useless, worthless, FILL IN THE DEPRESSING BLANK, that is precisely when you need to jump right back up on that beautiful, white horse and ride off into the sunset! (Can you tell I was reading fairy tales to my cousins last weekend?) REMEMBER THIS: Breakdowns often lead to breakthroughs. (Or, in more colorful language, don't let the bastards bring you down!)

BTW: I was just over on Angie's blog and promised to add a link to mine. Here it is. It's a very cool give-away. Check it out!

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