Thursday, March 18, 2010

Be Creative!

Do you have other outlets, besides writing, where you express your creativity? Do you knit, play music, sing, do arts and crafts, paint, sculpt, draw, dance, act, or do interior design? If so, make sure you're not ignoring those "other" parts of your creativity.

I slept for three hours last night and woke up with lyrics in my head. Uncharacteristically, I got up (normally I'd replay the words over in my mind until I memorized them and go back to sleep) and for the next three hours worked on a new song. This, too, is uncharacteristic for me. Normally, I write songs in less than an hour - often in less than half an hour. This one, however, I'm taking my time with. It's emerging as I chip away at it like a sculpture. And, you know what I've discovered? It would be the perfect theme song for my YA novel. The tentative titles are either, "Love Never Dies" or "Bitter True." (BTW, this pic is one of my faves taken of me a few years ago by the talented Steven Langdon.)

Remember that song I told you I'd perform before summer? This may be it. Or it may be another. Point is, keep those creative juices flowing. One art form feeds another.

Reading is also a creative passion.

I've also been reading again, which I haven't in a while. Like most writers, I've been a voracious reader most of my life. However, over the past year and a half I've written nearly five full novels, so I've spent much less time reading. Lucky for me, I won the book, "hush, hush" by Becca Fitzpatrick on the ever-lovely Kimberly Franklin's blog. (She also sent me chocolate, by the way. Seems those subliminal messages really do work!) I'm picky about what I read. If I'm not completely drawn in by the first few pages, I move on to the next book. (I'd be a vicious agent!) This book is magic. It's fantastic, beautiful, mysterious, fun, dark, and sexy. I'm completely hooked. I'm in awe of her seamless writing and the constant hum of tension she maintains on every page. This is probably as close to a book review as you'll see on my blog, but I may invite Becca over when I'm done reading and see if she'll grace me with an interview. She's raised the bar for me as I embark on the fourth draft of my novel, and I couldn't be happier or more inspired.

So, what other creative outlets are you utilizing as you move forward on your writing and life journeys? Are there talents you're leaving by the wayside as you focus on your writing? If so, would taking time out to reacquaint yourself with those talents feed your writing?

I'm asking you this because I have most definitely taken a break from my music as I've embarked on my writing. In fact, this is the first song I've written in nearly a year. That is a very long time for me to go between songs. I realize this is a detriment to the health of my soul. Being creative and fully self-expressed is the way we humans manifest our souls in this world.

So today, get out there and dance - manifest your soul - BE CREATIVE!

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