Friday, March 5, 2010

Cats Rule and Here's the Proof: Meet My Feline Captors

I thought I'd take a break from the writing madness and post some pics from my feline captors.

Here's Emma hiding in her "tent." I'm sure you can tell from her sweet demeanor that if you mess with her she'll rip your eyes out before you can say, "Meow." She's vicious and she's my favorite.

Next up, we have Zoro. If you can't tell from the picture, he likes to sleep. In his own bed. For most of the day. He also likes to eat, which explains the 17+ pounds of weight he hauls around on his comparatively skinny bones. He's part dog. He comes when he's called, and eats like a St. Bernard.

Here is King Dusty. He plays with his favorite green blanket until he's molded it into the perfect pillow. Then, like Zoro, it's "lights out" for most of the day. He also gives "apartment tours," taking visitors throughout the house showing them the finer points like chair legs and stair railings.

This is Caramel. She's Dusty's sister. She is also Queen of the Universe. When she was little, she was your typical Calico - aloof and in her own world. Now, at the ripe old age of 8, she can't get enough human love no matter how hard we try. Total 360. Go figure.

This is Tiger Lilly, Caramel's nemesis. She loves fat-free Half & Half. She's my lap kitty - sits on my lap and tells me what to write. I can't take any of the credit. It's all TL.

And last, but certainly not least, is Scampy. He's wise beyond his years. He's also a lap kitty, that is, when he's not sleeping in my closet protecting my shoes. He's my little sweetheart.

So, there you have it. My six feline captors. They're vicious, fluffy, cute, playful, sleepy and thoroughly in charge.

Tell me about your pets. Do they rule your roost?

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