Thursday, May 6, 2010

The beast goes on...

So, what's new? Not much going on here. Same old, same old... House renovations? Naw, nothing of interest going on there because oh yeah, NOTHING IS GOING ON.

What I have come to learn is that the team we had here to try and dry out the moisture damage from the leaky roof, was only that: "The Team to Dry." As I got used to them, they finished their job... or rather, proved they could not finish their job. They have taken their toys and gone home. Drying did not work, so now we proceed to the tear it out and put in new phase.
Where the hardwood floor has been torn out is where the drying/sucking pads had previously been. Since they cut into part of the floor, now they can not match the old floor. So an entire new hardwood floor will have to be put into the master bedroom.

But before that, they will fix the walls.

But before the walls, they will have to replace the ceiling.

But first... a contractor must be chosen! Imagine my shock to discover that there is no seamless transition team leader. One group is done, and no one knows who is supposed to come in next. Not only has no one told them to come, no one has interviewed them to hire them to come!

So Lyle took it upon himself to hire our previous plumber to rip out the bathroom fixtures last weekend while we were away. The toilet was already taken out for the floor removal. Now the vanity, sink and tub with enclosure have all been removed.
Then Lyle and I had a brilliant plan... what if instead of waiting for someone to come and get this kick started, we just kicked it ourselves?

Lyle has already started ripping out the walls of the bathroom.
Our landlady has selected a contractor to put it all back together. We have asked to be included in the planning because, and I will be very honest here, we have much better taste. And so it begins! Nothing! Extended periods of nothing! One good thing we did learn last week is that the insurance company will be refunding us a portion of our rent because we are no longer living in a portion of our house. For once, I am pleased to say, that seems fair.

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