Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Paris Hilton - Did Michael Jackson Name His Kid After her?

Paris Hilton threat level wiredParis Hilton the register

Did Michael Jackson Name His Kid After Paris Hilton?

wtf that was out along time ago people been new Michael Jackson was a uncle to her paris <3333>

NO ONE FCKNG CARES, so sad people watch this

you're just jealous that when you die nobody is gonna give a sh*t.

Paris is actually a pretty name unlike you, Paris Hilton. There are tons of peoploe named Paris, not because you, but because the name is pretty so get over yourself.

and your just another ape that cant see what a screwed up mess he was. Kids are now safe for sure.

QueensNewYork7 Too bad they're not safe from miserable ignorant people like you. Why don't you do us all a favor and kill yourself already.

and your just another ape that cant see what a screwed up mess he was. Kids are now safe for sure.

wow you called my mother a spook and me a sambo, my feelings are so hurt. People like you are so dumb and out of touch that you don't realize those stupid comments only expose you for the idoit you are and only makes me feel sorry for you. I truly hope you either get help or kiil yourself so us normal people don't have to be exposed to you.

in his documentary he says he named paris because thats was where she was born

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