Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Remember Memorial Day Weekend?

I went to the store this weekend and saw the peonies and knew right off I did not want to pick them up. But Lyle was there and he did. When we got home I cried a little and told him why peonies bother me. I thought, "I should write that on my blog..." then realized I already have. Then I started to wonder if every year was just a great big "Groundhog Day" movie, where I just do the same things over and over and over and over again...

Nothing much happened this weekend. The whole house seemed tired. We all slept in late one day or another. Everyone took a nap one day or another. The biggest project of the weekend was laundry with Lyle getting out the iron (can you believe that was an exciting highlight?). But then when your Thursday or Tuesday are exciting it is nice to have a boring weekend.

I felt as if I'd eaten so much in the last few weeks that what I really wanted was some nice light food. For dinner on Monday night we had crab legs and a green salad.
You can't see them, but shopped up in the salad was our first harvest of green beans from the garden. I think there were 10 beans. Without turning over the whole yard to bean farming it seems like there is never really enough all ready at the same time to have a side dish. So they just get rolled in to some other part of the meal.

And since it was Memorial Day Weekend, I rolled out my white pants. I know, I know, that you already know that I seem to have given up on so many rules of white wearing. I wear white flip flops all the time. I own a white leather jacket. I even wore these white shorts to Disneyland in the rain last week before Memorial Day:
But my final hold out on the rule of wearing white only between Memorial Day and Labor Day is still white pants. So I was very excited to break them out and wear them all day Monday. Even though the weather didn't agree.

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