Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Oh hello, I didn't see you sitting over there...

It's raining. In Los Angeles. If you live anywhere else you probably don't get what a huge ordeal this is. Rain in LA is like snow in Seattle, or a hurricane in Manhattan. Yes, you know it could happen. You know it has happened in the past. But it doesn't happen often enough for people to just get over it and get on with their lives. Unlike rain in Seattle or snow in Chicago it's a BIG DEAL when it rains in Los Angeles.

We had to hurry up and put in ten bags of gravel in the far back yard for the dogs to use as their potty. If not they'd have come in with complete mud boots instead of just slightly wet mucky boots. We need to monitor the water level of the turtle pond, too close to the top and he'll climb out. Chair cushions go in the garage. Take down the outdoor pavilion drapes, put away your suede shoes! People, did you see what happened to those gorgeous gowns at the Golden Globes? THIS IS THE WATER-APOCALYPSE!

Or perhaps it's no big deal.

This blog has been a little quiet. We went to Vegas the first week of January. True to form every single person who went for the week came home with some form of the "Vegas Crud". The ugly beauty is, every single person returned to far flung corners of the nation returning home to share their "Vegas Crud" with their neighbors. I believe when the next plague begins it will roll straight out of Vegas.

Not me though. I had a sore throat, I fought back. Every day in Vegas I took a Claratin and and Airborne vitamin-C fizzy. I continued my program when I got home. The crud hit me but I deflected, only a minor flesh wound. Lyle got hit much worse. He gave in on day two and just announced, "I'm sick," and that was that. The crud keeps trying to get me. After announcing I had dodged the bullet, last night I got all nasal drippy. Back to my regime this morning, I WILL NOT GIVE IN.

As for the quietness over here, I've been tired. You can't give 123% of yourself for 8 days in a row and not be drained when you get home. Who am I kidding? I gave 150% the first day, 110% the second day. 243% the third day and by the end of the week I was phoning it in with only 60% left in my fuel tank. I forgot it's a marathon and I kept sprinting. Sometimes literally running through the Palms hotel to get where I needed to be.

I tell my fellow bloggers to only blog when they are inspired. If you blog because you "have to" then it becomes a job. A poor paying job at that. I've been uninspired this week so I took the week off.

We are home. We are alive. We are wet. I am uninspired, but I'll be back shortly.

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